It’s that time of year again. Seems like we were just here, last year? The older my kids get the faster those 12 months seem to go and we come full circle to the holiday we call New Years. For some, it is a daunting time of year. For other’s, it’s an exciting, fresh start kind of year. One thing holds true for all of us, we can’t ignore that it’s a goal setting and achieving goals time of year. I want to share with you some tips on how to make this an exciting, fresh start time of year rather than a dreaded time.
When we think about setting goals, the usual thought process is, “I want to ….. for 2017”. It is a broad goal that we give ourselves 12 months to reach and unfortunately not enough specifics to make it happen. Let’s talk about 5 ways you can pick a goal and make it happen!
- What’s your overall objective and then put it in writing.
Go ahead, dare to dream, and write down your goal(s). Putting it in writing will make it real. How many great ideas have we had and then they never materialized outside of our brains? Put your goal on paper and then post it somewhere in your house where it can be seen daily, not only by you but those around you. If those we love, know our desires, they can have more of an opportunity to help us reach those goals.
- Is it realistic?
This part is so important. When my husband and I were living off my 1st-year teacher salary, it would have been unrealistic for us to make it a goal to purchase a luxury SUV. Focus on goals that are realistically attainable! For example, if your goal is to save money, come up with an amount that is likely to stay put in your account, even if it’s $50. As you become successful at saving an extra $50, try and save more the next month.
- What can be done each month to make the objective possible?
After writing down your goal(s), plan for each month to make that possible. This is crucial! Most goals are dropped by February because there isn’t a specific game plan made past the “main goal”. Give each month a purpose for fulfilling your goal and you will have a yearlong plan. If losing weight is your goal, it’s better to break it up in months opposed to saying, “I want to lose 25lbs in 2017”. Our brains can handle the goal of losing 2lbs in the month of April much better than a large amount over a vague range of time.
- What will keep you from meeting your objective?
This is a sit down in the mirror kind of question because you need to be completely honest with yourself and focus on what will specifically keep you from your attaining your goals. If saving money is your goal, what can you cut back on? Fewer Lattes? Fewer shoe purchases? Realizing you only watch 2 television channels but are paying for 800?
- Set up a way to document your progress, achievements or setbacks.
Out of sight, out of mind holds true for setting goals. Not only do we need to write down our overall goal(s), but we need to document our progress. If we don’t, June rolls around, and we can’t remember what we did in March to help us achieve our goal(s). We can get discouraged and give up. Take a moment throughout each month and journal your progress and even setbacks. By keeping track of setbacks, you will allow yourself to see where and when weaknesses creep up on you and you can focus on how to avoid those the next month.
Setting goals are important, but attaining those goals are what define us. The more we attain, the better we trust ourselves for future endeavors. Setbacks will happen, there will be times of failure but that’s all part of the process and an important part. Don’t give up. Help yourself achieve those goals by giving yourself simple, manageable, monthly steps. For more information and help on how to set and achieve goals, check out The Complete Guide for Balance and Harmony OWL Kit.
Author, Trainer, Life Organizer®
Melinda Smith, CPO® organizes, optimizes, and implements action plans, training, and consulting. Great referrals are Entrepreneurs, executives, and companies looking for a sustainable change with work, home, & you. Especially relevant is the fact that Melinda has worked with companies and individuals for over 20 years conducting workshops across the East Coast. They included over 60 cities in 19 states. Focus topics include Strategic Thinking, Teambuilding, and Organization. As well as Balance Strategies, Stress Management, and Embracing Change.
Melinda was one of the first 200 in the nation to achieve a Certified Professional Organizer status and is a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui (pronounced feng shway). Melinda has owned Balance & Harmony 360², Inc., since 2003 and is the author of The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL (Organize With a focus to Liberate) Kit. The kit includes a book, workbook, F.O.C.U.S. Journal, and five products to systematically organize Work, Home, and You.
Finally, if you are not convinced we can help. Check out more about our company with the links below.
Melinda’s training, books, consulting, advising, and speaking options, as well as where to purchase, visit:
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